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Welcome! This website was created on 22 Nov 2001 and last updated on 25 Jul 2021. The family trees on this site contain 2713 relatives and 49 photos. If you have any questions or comments you may send a message to the Administrator of this site.
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This web site has come about from my passion for genealogy and all of my work is voluntary. 

To avoid any possible confusion as a result of two different surnames for the  same family, men and women are given  the same surname ending. Ãéá ôçí   áðïöõãÞ óýã÷õóçò  ç êáôÜëçîç ðáôñéêþí  ïíïìÜôùí åßíáé ßäéá ãéá Üíôñåò êáé  ãõíáßêåò.

The place of origin for each person is visible ONLY in the `Family View`  under the `Tree` option. Ï ôüðïò ãåííÞóåùò  áôüìùí  åßíáé ïñáôÞ ÌÏÍÏ ìÝóïõ  ôïõ `Family View` êÜôù áðü ôçí åðéëïãÞ «Tree».

Unless otherwise indicated all the names of places and villages are  from the province of Lakonia, and the region of Mani. The information on this  website comes from oral history as well as documented sources. In cases where  photographs of persons are missing substitutes are made with photos of the  place of origin. All vital dates for living persons are not  given for security and privacy reasons. Ãéá ëüãïõò áóöáëåßáò óôáôéóôéêÜ  óôïé÷åßá äåí äßíïíôáé óå áõôÞ ôçí éóôïóåëßäá.

For those looking for information about their families, but whose surname is  not listed here, I would highly recommend the services of a professional  genealogist who specializes in archival searches (in Greek); our co-patriot  Ari Poulimenako(see link below).

 To: Aris Haloulakos(Koblenz,Germany), Dr. Bill Haloulakos (California, USA),  Tim Flessas (Athens), Prof. Bill Marinakos (Arizona, USA), Effie Laganopoulos- Myers (New York, USA) Jim Kokoros and Kostas Mimikopoulos (Ontario, Canada),  Dr. Stavros Kapetanakis (Athens), Pr. Stavros L. Mylonakos (Dafni), Aglaia  Mylonakou-Mavromichali (Lefkohoma), Pr. Dimitrios G. Laskaris (Hirokampi),  and countless many others whom for lack of space cannot be listed here.

¸íá ìåãÜëï åõ÷áñéóôþ óôïí Ãéþñãï ÂåíéæåëÝá, ü÷é ìïíÜ÷á ãéá ôéò öáíôáóôéêÝò  öùôïãñáößåò äéÜöïñùí  ÌáíéÜôéêùí ÷ùñéþí, Üëëá êáé ãéá ðïëëÜ Üëëá èÝìáôá.  Åðßóçò Ýíá èåñìü åõ÷áñéóôþ óôïí ÃéÜííç ÊïöéíÜ (ï÷é ãéá ëüãïõò ãåíåáëïãéêþí  åñåõíþí) Üëëá ãéá ôçí áîÝ÷áóôç îåíÜãçóç ôïõ óôéò üìïñöåò óðçëéÝò ôïõ Õìçôôïý!

Eleni Panagiotarakou, PhD.

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Getting Around
There are several ways to browse the family tree. The Tree View graphically shows the relationship of selected person to their kin. The Family View shows the person you have selected in the center, with his/her photo on the left and notes on the right. Above are the father and mother and below are the children. The Ancestor Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph above and children below. On the right are the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. The Descendant Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph and parents below. On the right are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Do you know who your second cousins are? Try the Kinship Relationships Tool. Your site can generate various Reports for each name in your family tree. You can select a name from the list on the top-right menu bar.

In addition to the charts and reports you have Photo Albums, the Events list and the Relationships tool. Family photographs are organized in the Photo Index. Each Album's photographs are accompanied by a caption. To enlarge a photograph just click on it. Keep up with the family birthdays and anniversaries in the Events list. Birthdays and Anniversaries of living persons are listed by month. Want to know how you are related to anybody ? Check out the Relationships tool.

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